
  • 5형식

    Posted in 영어/문법

    2016. 3. 6. 03:13

    문장의 5형식


    S + V : happen - occur, rise, arise, disappear 수동태불가

    S + V + C(N/형) : be·become·5감, remain, seem(appear)

    S + V + O : ~을,를 ~에게, ~에 대하여

    S + V + I·O + D·O : ~에게 ~를1

    S + V + O +C(N/형/준동사) :

    N : He made her a public offical.

    형 : He made her happy.

    준 : He asked her to study hard


    주의할 문장

    Either will do 2

    This buisiness will pay 3

    This policy wil pay off 4

    It doesn't count 5

    It doesn't matter 6

    What's the matter? 7

    This medicine will work 8

    There is + S

    There is a book

    There are books

    There remains ~

    There remain ~

    There has been ~

    There have been ~

    There seems to be ~

    There seem to be ~

    a few + Ns

    시간·거리·금액 → 덩어리 취급 : 단수동사

    Ten years is too long a time to be away from home.

    예외 : Then years have passed since he died.



    S + V + C

    V 이다 : N(신분) or A(상태)

    V 하다 : AD

    주의1 상태


    go bad

    grow old

    turn red

    get angry

    come true


    hold good

    keep fine

    주의2 ly형 형용사

    look friendly

    lovely,friendly, likely, lively

    cowardly, costly, orderly, manly, deadly, timely

    주의3 good/well

    play good/well

    play good games

    play well

    play good

    remain strange/strangely

    remain stranely silent

    형용사/부사 구별

    형용사 : 명사수식/보어역할

    부사 : 명사 이외 수식/보어역할 X

    be likely toR

    be certain toR 9


    We go a IC

    자동사 (숙어)

    want for him

    enter into businiess

    graduate from school

    object to the plan

    account for

    interfere with him

    complain of/about it

    Gom das rep


    greet him

    obey him

    marry him, mention it

    discuss it

    approach the camp, answer the Q, attend the party

    survive the war

    reach the shore

    resemble his father

    enter the room

    phone me, call me, tell me


    V 공급 A with B = V B for A

    provide, supply, present, furnish, endow, equip

    Much food was provided for the poor. The poor were provided with much food.


    rob A of B : deprive, rid, relieve

    She was robed of some money. A watch was stolen from her.

    be deprived of ~

    be robbed of ~ : ~을 빼앗기다

    get rid of ~

    be rid of ~ : ~을 제거하다 (rid oneself of)


    V금지 A from B

    암기법 : hipi 보이는 sk 에게 ddr 금지

    hinder, inhibit, prevent, prohibit, stop, keep, deter, dissuade, restrain,

    예외) forbid + O + toR : forbid him to smoke


    V + A of B

    inform him of the news 알리다 : He was informed of the news ~을 듣다

    remind A of B 기억나게 하다 : be reminded of ~을 기억하다

    convince A of B 확신시키다 : be convinced of ~을 확신하다

    예외, 전치사 사용금지 : 전치사 + that → that

    He was informed that she would come back.

    He denied the proposal convinced that it would do harm.


    V A as B

    regard A as B

    refer to A as B : be referred to as

    think of A as B

    look upon A as B

    consider A as B : consider A to be B = consider A B 10

    A be considered (as) B

    He was considered our leader.

    He was considered brave.


    3형식으로 전환

    S + V + I·O + D·O

    to : 수여동사의 경우

    She gave me a watch → She game a watch to me

    for : make, buy

    She made me a cake → She made a cake for me

    of : ask

    She asked some questions of me

    May I ask you a favor? → May I ask a favor of you?

    Some questions were asked of them.

    4형식 불가동사

    aise 동사 11

    explain (to him) the theory

    4형식에서 3형식 전환불가동사

    for sex cost 12

    This book cost me $5 → $5 to me (X)

    It takes 구문 : 시간이 걸리다 구문

    It takes me 20mi (to have a meal).

    It takes 20mi (for me to have a meal).

    It takes me twice as long to have a meal as it would you.



    S + V + O + O·C

    명사, 형용사, 준동사(toR, pp)

    Mom asked me to repair the car. : Mom asked the car (to be) repaired.

    Mom made me repair the car. : Mom made the car (be) repaired.

    V + O + toR ( pp)

    시키다 : get, ask, allow

    하게 만들다 : enable, encourage, cause

    바람 : want, wish, like, expect / hope + O + toR (X)

    명령 : order, advise, require, tell / say + O + toR (X)

    강요 : compel, oblige, force

    V + O + R (pp)

    see, hear, watch

    make, have, let

    saw him repair the car : reparing the car

    saw the car repaired by him : being repaired by him

    have + O + pp


    I want (to repair my car)

    I want (to have my car repaired)

    I exmined my eyes (X)

    I had my eyes examined


    I had my license suspended



    lie-lay-lain : 눕다

    lay-laid-laid : ~을 눕히다

    He lay down on the grass.

    풀이법 : 목적어 확인, 시제·수 주의


    sit-sat-sat : 앉다

    seat-seated-seated : ~을 앉이다

    He sat on the chair.

    He seated himself on the chair. = He was seated on the chair.

    ※ 타동사 + 재귀대명사 = be pp

    헌신하다 : devote, commit, dedicate

    devoted oneself to -ing

    be devoted to - ing

    빠지다 물아일체 : absorb, lose,

    absorb oneself in -ing

    제거하다 : rid

    rid oneself of ~

    be rid of ~ = get rid of ~


    rise-rose-risen : 일어나다

    raise-raised-raised : ~을 일으키다

    arise-arose-arisen : 발생하다 생기다

    arouse-aroused-aroused :불러일으키다, 일어서다


    ~에게 말하다

    speak to

    say to

    talk to

    tell me

    say + O + toR (X)

    tell + O + toR (O)

    say that S+V (O)

    tell that S+V (X)

    tell me that S+V (O)


    affect : ~에게 영향을 미치다

    affect him

    have an effect on him

    influence him = have an influence on him

    answer the question = make an answer to the question

    effect : n:영향·효과·결과, v:~을 초래하다

    The accident affected him

    The accident effected a change.


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